Following an address from Steve Hart (Chair of UAF) on the upcoming Stand up to Racism Demo and Rally marking UN Anti-Racism Day, we holding elections for the following positions:
Executive Positions:
Assistant Secretary
Vice Chair
Political Officer
Campaigns Officer
Union Learning Rep
Equality Rep
Social Secretary
Intern Officer
Membership Secretary
Newsletter Editor
Health & Safety Officer
Auditor x 2
Website Officer
Environment Rep
LGBT Officer
Constituency Coordinator
Regional Reps: Scotland, Wales, North West, North East, Yorkshire, East Midlands, West Midlands, Eastern, South East, South West
Self-nominations should be sent to the Branch Secretary for the positions as listed above. Deadline for nominations: 12pm, 11th March
Members wishing the Branch to affiliate to a specific CLP and nominate delegate(s) should send the name of the CLP, the name of the delegate(s), home address, LP membership number and Unite membership number (if known) to the Branch Secretary. The same information, excluding LP membership number, is required for the Branch’s affiliation to local TUCs.
The AGM will be followed by an ordinary branch meeting and social.